The Day I Almost Quit

You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great.” Psalm 18:35 (NIV 1984)

She love her kids, but She haven’t always liked being a mom.

Once her boys became toddlers who wouldn’t listen to her or obey consistently,She kind of panicked. Other moms appeared to know what they were doing, and She wondered why She couldn’t get it right with her kids.

Other children seemed to listen when told no. Why wouldn’t her child stay in the cart at the grocery store or stop begging her when She told him/her we could not buy everything his little hand could touch? How come no one told me being a mom would be so hard? She wondered!

She felt like such a failure. Almost every day She compared how she felt on the inside to how other moms looked on the outside.

She held up the feelings of inadequacy and thoughts of insecurity in contrast to moms who dressed their children in matching outfits and adorned themselves with attitudes of grace and wisdom. How in the world did they pull it off with a smile? She could barely get a shower, get her kids dressed and get them out the door before lunch.

She just wanted to quit. One day she came home from running too many errands with two very tired, fussy kids. When she put them down for an early nap, She started looking for pink construction paper to write “I QUIT” on it so she could turn in her “pink slip” to her husband when he came home from work.

It was just too hard, and She was tired of thinking She would never be “good enough” as a mom.

She needed a new place to start. She started becoming the mom God created her to be, the day She was ready to quit. That afternoon She fell on Her knees before God and choked out the words, “I can’t do this.”

In that place of surrender, His peace came over her. His gentleness calmed her nerves. It was as if God bent down and spoke to her heart: You are right, Woman. In your strength and through your perspective, you can’t do this. But with My promises, My presence and My power  all things are possible. I will help you become a great mom.

Looking back on that day, She was reminded of the key verse in Psalm 19:35, “You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great.”

When you acknowledge that on your own you are a mess, God rushes to your side to help you. He bends down to show you that with His grace, wisdom and guidance, you can become the mom He is calling you to be, the mom your kids need you to be, and the mom you want to be!

Dear Lord, I need Your shield of victory to protect me from discouragement. Please extend Your right hand to sustain me; Your grace to strengthen me; and Your wisdom to lead me. Today, I want to find a new starting place with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Reflect and Respond:
Write a letter, telling God how you feel. Be honest and open. Sharing your heart and thoughts with Him is the first step toward freedom and hope.

As you read today’s devotion, what struggles are similar to yours as a mom? Have you ever wanted to quit? What got you to that hard place and what do you need to do to rely on God’s perspective instead of your own?

Power Verses:
Psalm 113:5-7, “Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” (NIV 1984)


One thought on “The Day I Almost Quit

  1. Pingback: Three Reasons Why I Know You’re Not Going to Quit | LifeVesting

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